Our solution
Timestamp consistent calculation of fair values (ex-post-analysis)
Mark to market
Mark to model
Plausibility checks of valuation rates and pricing quality analysis according to various criteria
Model-based valuation
Neartime / timestamp-based valuation
Market-implied bandwidths
Cheapest / richest valuation
Stale price
Price variation (multiple providers)
Standard deviation
Dynamic interval price ranges
Open / High / Low / Close
Liquidity adjusted price ranges
Last trade price
Price attributes
First price
Trading venues (especially certificates)
Scope of services and optional features
We provide flexible delivery methods, including API, FTP, or email, ensuring you get the data you need when you need it where you need it.
Pure provision of fair value data
Automated processing on the basis of trade confirmations
Provision of prices / fair values including first level deviation analysis
Reconciliation of all transactions including documentation